11 September 2013

Contentment in Jordan or Hiking, Foraging and Tea with Locals

One of my favorite things to do as of late is spend as much time outdoors as possible, exploring the world around me and taking in as many of the sights, sounds, smells, and fellow human beings around me. Today after work I had another great adventure trekking around a favorite area of mine between Amman and Wadi Al Seer. I would like to share some of the highlights to help spread some positive cheer in the world from the somewhat tumultuous Middle East.

 As soon as I had finished up at work, I headed off for the countryside and within twenty minutes of walking was descending into a wadi with the noise of traffic quickly fading behind me. I should note that on my way down into the wadi I took a few sidestreets to avoid a group of neighborhood boys I always run into and who I knew were going to ask me, yet again, if I had bought them switchblade knives like the one I own and have shown them several times. They are sweet kids, but I just didn't feel like repeating that conversation again for the tenth time (literally!).

 After I had descended into the wadi I found myself alone and surrounded only by rocks, shrub brush, and fig trees teeming with ripe, juicy figs. I took the opportunity to replenish my fig supply by filling my empty tupperware container and a Ziploc bag, while at the same time getting in a tasty, fresh snack. I then soldiered on, and when I reached the end of this section of the wadi I scrambled up the side, using whatever I could find for grips to get myself to a beautiful vantage point. After taking in the view for a bit and enjoying the moment, I kept on as I had big plans at this point for where I planned to hike to.
Not long after I had been walking through this area of the village, however, I walked by a friendly man surrounded by his children who, after exchanging greetings with, insisted I come sit with him for a moment. At first I tried politely declining several times, as I had planned to hike a route that was going to require a couple more hours of sunlight, but after I realized he was not going to take no for an answer, I accepted his invite and had a seat. Very quickly I learned my new friend's name, Akef Sandooka, and began a very fruitful and mutual exchange of ideas about life, beliefs, and the world around us. Akef spoke very clear and mostly modern standard Arabic to me, which made it very easy for me to understand him. Akef was also very excited to talk to me about Islam, which I respectfully listened to, and share with me the beautiful experience of life that this religious framework provides for him. Despite my own reluctance toward religion, I find inidividuals with religious convictions like Akef to be very beautiful spirits, as he just wants to share what is beautiful to himself with other people. I also found his analogy to describe why women should cover up to be very interesting. The analogy is the following (paraphrased): imagine two bananas, one unpeeled and the other kept in its peel. Now leave both bananas laying out and tell me which is better after some time has passed. The point he was trying to make is that the banana that is kept in its peel (a woman covered up) is better because it is cleaner and stays more pure than the one left out of its peel. I don't quite agree with this, but it was interesting nonetheless.
After drinking two cups of tea with Akef and meeting two of his ten children, I explained that it was necessary to go. When Akef apologized to me for keeping me so long, I made a point to tell him that I was the one who was actually sorry for not accepting his invite more readily and sitting down immediately. I then explained that it is through experiences like the one I had just shared with him that a person is truly able to understand and know a place, such as me getting to know Jordan better. I further told him that if I always was rushing through life and never took the time to stop and have tea with someone like himself that I would never get to know the real Jordan or understand the people of this country. He fully understood my point and thanked me for my words. I then thanked him for this opportunity and we parted in the hope that we will see one another soon.

 In the next bit of walking I again found myself talking with groups of people, mostly older women who were curious about what I thought of their country and about what I happened to be doing in their neighborhood. One of these groups I met while I stood by a grove of pomegranate trees, scanning the trees for pomegranates that looked ripe enough to eat. They, of course, also wanted to know what I was doing, and when I explained they ushered me into their gated area to give me some pomegranates that they could guarantee would be sweet. I then told them that it was necessary for me to get walking as I had some distance to cover yet with no daylight remaining at that point. I found it quite humorous how these women kept insisting that I walk straight home and not talk to anyone because there may be 'bad' people out. It was very sweet of them to think of my well-being, but I walk in this area all the time and know for a fact it is very safe. Nonetheless, I appreciated their kindness and thanked them for their wonderful gifts of fruit.
As I then made my way through the last stretch of wadi in the darkness, I found myself feeling very content, not only at this particular part of my day, but also about where exactly I am at in life in general. Over the last two years Jordan has slowly become home to me and it is largely because of experiences like these. The more that I find myself interacting with the world around me, whether it is with people, exploring new and old terrain, or just being out in the outdoors, the more I feel at home and comfortable here. If the outdoors naturally call to you, answer that call and give this part of yourself the time it deserves. I know it does wonders for my well-being and makes me feel complete. In any case, I hope this story of contentment and peace from the Middle East can help people realize this area is a much different world than what is typically portrayed in the media.

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